Which of the following is true of VoIP? | What is VoIP & Broadband Telephony?

Which of the following is true of VoIP?

Which of the following is true of VoIP? VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a communication method that uses the internet to carry voice traffic.

It is different from traditional telephone service in that it uses a computer instead of a phone to make calls.

VoIP also allows people to make calls from anywhere in the world, at any time.

The benefit of using VoIP include the ability to make calls without having to worry about expensive phone plans.

Which of the following is true of VoIP?

(A) Skype is an example of a VoIP application(B) WhatsApp is an example of a VoIP application
(C) Facebook Messenger is an example of a VoIP application(C) Google Voice is an example of a VoIP application

Answer. All of the above

Explanation. VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is a communication method that uses the internet for voice calls. Here all the above options enable us to talk over the internet.

What is VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)?

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)is a communications technology that enables users to make telephone calls using their computer, telephone or other voice-enabled devices.

VoIP allows for the transmission of audio and video over the Internet instead of through traditional telephone networks.

Voice over Internet Protocol services are available from service providers and can be used to make local and international calls.

VoIP technology is used by businesses because it is more cost-effective than traditional telephone services.

Voice over Internet Protocol can also be used by individuals to make calls from their homes or offices.

What is the name for a small device that connects to a computer?

(A) Pen drive(B) Dongle
(C) Webcam(D) Modem

Answer. (B) Dongle. The dongle is a small device that connects to a computer.

What is a Pen drive?

A pen drive is a USB storage device that can be plugged into a computer to read or write data.

They are often used to store digital content, such as music, videos, and photos.

What is a Dongle?

The dongle is a small, computer-specific hardware device that plugs into a USB port on a computer.

A plugged-in Dongle then acts as a portable modem.

It connects to the internet in the same way as a smartphone and enables a user 4G or 5G connectivity.

What is a modem?

A modem is computer hardware used to connect a computer to a broadband network.

Modems allow users to send and receive data packets over the telephone line as if they were connected to the internet.

Hardware and software is necessary for a modem to function.

What is a Webcam?

A webcam is a digital camera that captures images and videos through a web connection.

They’re popular for online communication, video conferencing, call recording and recording presentations.

What can be the features of broadband telephony?

Broadband telephony (IP telephony)is a type of telephone service or VoIP solution that provides high-speed Internet access and voice services over the same broadband connection.

As more people adopt broadband technologies, broadband telephony or IP phone has become an increasingly attractive option for telecommunications providers.

Broadband telephony can have the following features that make it attractive.

(1) High speed: Broadband telephony can offer high-speed internet, which is several times faster than traditional dial-up Internet connections.
This allows you to download files, watch streaming videos, and conduct online business with little lag time.
(2) Broadband telephony is cost-effective: Unlike traditional telephone service, broadband telephony offers fixed monthly rates that are often much cheaper than traditional long-distance services.
This makes it an affordable option for businesses and households who need to make a lot of incoming calls and outgoing phone calls.

What is broadband (internet) telephony?

Broadband (internet)telephony is a type of telecommunications that provides high-speed Internet access to a home or office.

It enables people to make and receive calls, as well as send and receive emails, photos, and videos.

Further, it also enables people to call routing. Broadband telephony is different from traditional telephone service, which uses copper wires to transmit voice signals.

Which of the following identifies broadband internet connections?

(A) Wi-Fi ( wireless fidelity ), Digital subscriber line (DSL)(B) OSP (Other Service Providers), FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
(C) Internet Protocol (IP),OSP (Other Service Providers) ,FTP (File Transfer Protocol)(D) Fiber to the Premises (FTTP), Internet Protocol (IP), Wi-Fi ( wireless fidelity )

Answer. (A) Wi-Fi ( wireless fidelity ), Digital subscriber line (DSL) identifies broadband internet connections.

What is a broadband internet connection?

Broadband refers to high-speed internet connections. A broadband internet connection is used for browsing the internet, sending and receiving emails, streaming videos, and using applications.

The broadband definition given by the FCC(Federal Communications Commission ) has been adopted by most tech companies.

There are many different types of broadband connections available, Broadband can be accessed through cable, DSL, satellite, and fiber optic connections.

Which of the following communicates with a satellite dish to provide high-speed internet connections via satellite?

(A) Satellite Modem(B) Dongle
(C) Fiber to the Premises (FTTP)(D) Internet Protocol (IP)

Answer. (A) Satellite Modem communicates with a satellite dish to provide high-speed internet connections via satellite.

What is a satellite dish?

A satellite dish is a large, dish-shaped antenna used to receive television, radio, or Internet digital signals from satellites. It is usually mounted on the roof of a building, or on a tower.

Which of the following are valid TLDs (Top-Level Domains)?

(A) .com(B) .org
(C) .gov(D) .mil

Answer. All of the above. .com,.org, .gov, and .mil are all valid TLDs (Top-Level Domains)

What are TLDs (Top-Level Domains)?

Top-level domains (TLDs) are domain extensions (.com, .net, .org, etc.) that are added to the end of the name of a website.

TLDs are used by webmasters to differentiate websites and to make them more easily findable by search engines.

Which of the following is NOT true of mobile devices?

(A) Mobile devices run on disk drives(B) Mobile device screens are small and are in colour
(C) A Mobile device can be connected to a computer to exchange information(D) mobile devices can connect to the Internet wirelessly as they are internet-enabled

Answer. (A) Mobile devices run on disk drives. Mobile devices have operating systems like an android.

Which of the following consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents?

(A) Web pages(B) Website
(C) Blogsite(D) Internet

Answer. (A) Web pages
Explanation. Web pages consist of a worldwide collection of electronic documents

Which of the following are valid TLDs Quizlet?

(A) .org(B) .mil
(C) .gov(D) .com

Answer. All of the above.(.com ,.org, .gov, .mil are all valid TLDs (Top-Level Domains) Quizlet)

Which of the following is true of VoIP Quizlet?

(A). Skype is an example of VoIP software(B). It uses a slow-speed dial-up connection
(C). It uses the public switched telephone network(D). All of the above

Answer. Skype is an example of VoIP software

Explanation. Voice over IP computer-based telephony such as skype is an example of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol )

State True Or False

(1). All social networking sites require friends to confirm a friendship.

Answer. True. All social networking sites require friends to confirm a friendship

State True or False

(2). To add an email name and address to a mailing list, a user unsubscribes from it. Is it true or false?

Answer. False. To add an email name and address to a mailing list, a user subscribes to that mailing list.

Which of the following is true of VoIP phone calls?

(A) VoIP phone calls require a mobile phone(B) VoIP phone calls require a landline phone
(C) VoIP phone calls require an Internet connection(D) VoIP phone calls use a cellular provider’s network

Ans. VoIP phone calls require an Internet connection.

Which of the following is not true about VoIP?

(A) VoIP stands for Voice Over Internet Possibility(B) VoIP uses digital signals
(C) VoIP transmits both voice and video signals(D) VoIP uses the Internet

Answer. VoIP stand for Voice Over Internet Possibility
Explanation. VoIP stand for Voice over Internet Protocol

Which of the following are valid steps toward virus protection?

(A) Install an antivirus(B) Keep the software up to date
(C) Avoid suspicious links(D) Run a virus scan often

Answer. All of the above
Explanation. These are the valid steps toward virus protection

An analogy for the following device is a filing cabinet

Answer. An analogy for the following device is a filing cabinet is a Hard Drive

Which of the following exists in the form of a single circuit board?

Answer. Blade server exists in the form of a single circuit board

What is the internet and how does the internet work?

The Internet is a worldwide network of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite.

The Internet is an open system with no physical boundaries. It consists of interconnected regional networks, which can be connected to other networks in different parts of the world.

Today, the Internet has become an essential part of daily life for millions of people around the world. It is a vital tool for communication, commerce, and education.

What type of network is the Internet?

The Internet is a large, global network (wide area network -WAN) of interconnected computers.

There are many types of networks, but the Internet is a network of networks (wide area network -WAN).

This means that the Internet is a series of interconnected networks that allow users to communicate with each other.

What is the best type of internet?

Fibre optic internet is the best type of internet. This is because it offers many benefits over the traditional internet.

One benefit is that it is faster and more reliable. Fibre optic internet also offers better video and audio quality than traditional internet.

There are also satellite and wireless options, but they are not as popular as the Fiber optic internet.

What are the 3 types of internet?

The internet can be broadly classified into three types: dial-up, broadband, and mobile.

Dial-up connections were the original form of the internet and required users to connect to a modem in their homes in order to access the web.

Broadband connections offer speeds much faster than dial-up connections. Mobile internet is the fastest and most common type of internet connection.

What are the types of Internet access providers?

There are three main types of Internet access: wired, wireless, and satellite.

Wired connections use cables to connect an individual’s computer to the provider’s network.

Wireless connections use radio frequencies to send and receive data. Satellite connections use satellites to send and receive data.

What are the 3 parts of an email?

An email is communication between two or more people. It typically includes the header, body, and attachments. The 3 parts of an email are as follows.

(1)Header: It is the first thing a user sees when viewing an email. It includes the sender’s name, email address, and the time and date it was sent.
(2)Body: The body of an email is where the message is actually stored. It contains the text of the email, as well as any attachments.
(3)Attachments: Email attachments are pieces of data that are sent with an email. They can be documents, pictures, or videos.

What are the 4 types of computer networks?

There are four types of computer networks: LAN(Local Area Network), PAN(Personal Area Network), MAN(Metropolitan Area Network) and WAN(Wide Area Network).

(1) LANs are used to connect PCs within a small area.
(2)A Personal Area Network (PAN) is a group of computers and peripherals that are connected to each other within close proximity for private use.
(3)MAN(Metropolitan Area Network) connects multiple LANs (Local Area Networks) across a large area but is smaller than a WAN (Wide Area Network).
(4) WANs (Wide Area Networks) are used to connect PCs across large areas, such as countries.

Main features of the Internet2

The main features of the Internet2 include high-speed broadband, global routing, ultra-low latency data transport and cloud infrastructure.

Further, It also offers researchers access to the latest technology and tools, including the world’s largest supercomputer network.

Internet2 also provides training and support services to help researchers collaborate online.

The Internet Code

The Internet Code is a set of rules or standards that help to ensure the smooth functioning of the internet. It ensures that the Internet remained a safe and secure place for users.

What are the 5 uses of the Internet?

The 5 uses of the internet are as follows.

1. The Internet can be used to research information.
2. The Internet can be used to connect with people from all over the world.
3. The Internet can be used to find jobs and internship opportunities.
4. The Internet can be used to learn new things.
5. The Internet can be used to stay up-to-date on current events.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs on Which of the following is true of VoIP?

Question. What are the advantages of Local Area Networks?

Answer. Local Area Networks (LANs) are more efficient than Wide Area Networks (WANs) when it comes to transferring data between different devices.
LANs use a smaller number of transmission channels than WANs, which can result in faster data speeds and lower latency.
Additionally, LANs are typically more manageable and secure than WANs, making them better suited for work environments where privacy and security are important considerations.

Question. What are two elements found in an email address?

Answer. The two elements found in an email address are the local part (username) and the domain part (domain name).
The local part (username) is usually the name of the individual or company, while the domain part (domain name) is the specific domain name associated with that email address.
For example, myemail@mydomain.com is an example of a valid email address.

Question. What is Web 2.0 technology?

Answer. Web 2.0 technology is a type of online communication and application design that aims to make the web more user-friendly and relevant.
Web 2.0 technologies allow for increased interaction between users. Further, it enables sharing of resources and information in a more easily accessible format.
content. They include features like online communities, blogs, wikis, social networking sites, and video-sharing sites.

Question. What is the difference between an internet intranet and an extranet?

Answer. An internet intranet is a private network that is used by a company or organization to share information among its employees.
Extranets are public networks that are used by companies or organizations to share information with external partners or customers.
The main difference between the two types of networks is that an internet intranet is internal to a company, while an extranet permits external users to access an organization’s intranet

Question. What is the first page of a website called?

Answer. The first page of a website is called the homepage. This is usually a simple, user-friendly page that introduces the website and its purpose.
The homepage typically includes information about the website, such as its name, location, and contact information.

Question. What is Web 3.0 also known as?

Answer. Web 3.0, also known as the third-generation internet, is a new web platform that will allow for more secure and efficient web browsing.
It features a new architecture that allows for more decentralized internetworking and applications.

Question. What is the goal of the Internet2?

Answer. Internet2 is a consortium of higher education institutions, research organizations, and government agencies that was founded with the goal of developing and deploying the next generation of Internet infrastructure.
The goal of Internet2 is to provide researchers, students, educators, and the public with enhanced access to the latest in scholarly research and educational resources.
Internet2 helps researchers from around the world share resources and collaborate on projects.

Question. What is the Internet Code?

Answer. The Internet Code is a set of rules that govern how information is transmitted or exchanged over the internet.
It is a set of standards that help to ensure the smooth functioning of the internet.
It ensures that the Internet remained a safe and secure place for users

Question. What are the main features of the Internet2?

Answer. The main features of Internet 2 include high-speed broadband, global routing, and cloud infrastructure. It also offers researchers access to the latest technology, training and support services to help researchers collaborate online.

Question. What is a (this) network?

Answer. A network is a collection of interconnected computers. Networks allow information to flow between the computers more easily than if it were just spread out among the individual computers.
This makes networks powerful tools for organizing and sharing information. Networks can be used for a variety of purposes, such as communication, collaboration, and information sharing.

Question. How do I add a landing page to my website?

Answer. A landing page is a specially designed page that helps you generate leads and sales.
Landing pages are typically shorter than your homepage, and they focus on one goal. converting visitors into customers.
To add a landing page to my website choose one of the landing page templates available online so that you can get started quickly.


Which of the following is true of VoIP? In conclusion, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is an affordable and efficient way to conduct telephone conversations with any telephone number over the internet.

It is a reliable technology that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as making calls to friends and family or communicating with businesses.

Additionally, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a versatile communication tool that can be used in a variety of settings, such as at home or at work.

As such, it is an important part of modern life and should be utilized whenever possible.


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